Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Sharing Promotional Videos

A video grabs hundreds of thousands of “potential eyeballs”. Videos are one of the primarily used online video marketing tools that have risen to the sky in the current time. Videos help individuals and organizations alike to generate buzz about any idea, product or service.
The real good thing about promotional video production, viral videos in particular, is that through the internet, marketing your viral video is very cost effective – most of the time it’s free of cost. There’s no charge in sharing the links to your promotional video. Video submission is free most of the times. The main motto behind a viral video, as you’d say, is to increase brand awareness or possibly selling additional products. The idea is to make very interesting to try and get users to spread your viral video through out the blog sphere as well as the video sharing websites and social networking portals such as Facebook, Orkut, Digg, Delicious, Reddit, Stumble Upon, Pinterest, Twitter, MySpace and the likes. Many good and promising companies have come up which make promotional video production. Some of these companies have made great promotional marketing videos and viral videos in the recent times.

Showboat Entertainment

Showboat is one such company. Founded almost ten years ago by a young and aspiring entrepreneur Dinesh Gahlot, the company today has clients like Coca Cola and Hindustan Uniliver. Showboat continues to contribute in the field of promotional video production.

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