Every time we switch on the TV, we find end number of ads.
Don’t we? Now, we see a variety of ads. Some are in HD (high definition)
formats while others in SD (standard definition). Some are enacted by a few
persons playing some short characters while others are animation or animatics
based. The whole advertisement & promotion industry has changed actually. Though the basic idea of ad & promo remains the same,
the treatment, presentation and display of the presentable media has modified
quite a bit. It used be quite simpler and plainer in the earlier days. But
today, my god! They’ve become so energetic and vibrant that they’re now become
difficult to ignore. In these circumstances animation and animatics have become
more powerful.
There’s no denying the fact there are many prominent
animatic studios in the world that have been generating some excellent animatic
objects. Some of them though stand out, as they have been putting in their best
efforts to bring the best possible animatics solutions for their clients who
trust those companies and studios a lot.
From the cockpit, emerges a company named Showboat
Entertainment which was founded 8 years ago by Dinesh Gahlot. The animatic
studio is known to be one that brought in unique ideas into the animatic
arena. In fact, it’s been found to be
one of the successful ones and the proof can been seen in the form of
over-whelming testimonials from the customers. Showboat has actually come
pretty good in providing quality products and services, regardless of how
complex the given assignment was. That’s their USP.